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About Barbara

Barbara was born in a small Australian town in 1942, then educated for 9 years in a one-roomed school with all grades taught by a single teacher. She left home at 14, to spend 4 years in a girls’ boarding school, followed by 8 years at Universities. After marrying and raising 2 daughters, she taught in high schools, universities and adult education for 20 years. She is now widowed and has a teenage grandson.

Barbara has been writing stories ever since childhood, her chief reading loves are Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and Ngaio Marsh. She is now writing clean and wholesome rural romance novellas. They are listed on the my books pages. You can buy every one of them on the Shop page of this website. They are also available on Amazon Kindle and other sites, and paperbacks are also available on Amazon.


She also writes specifically about Australia: a memoir of growing up on a farm in the 1950s, and blogs about living in the 1950s and 1960s.


She has also published a book of short stories ...cosy mysteries set in scattered sites across Australia, all of which she has visited and knows well.

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Barbara Randell on ABC Southern QueenslandWith Dennis O'Hara
00:00 / 07:50
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