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Updated: Jul 12, 2023

final inspection of the line; describing the town

Dalby Herald and Western Queensland Advertiser. 17 November 1877. Page two. [in part]

Charlie's Creek.

[From our own correspondent ]. November 15.

Our little township is assuming a very lively appearance of late; buildings are going up daily and trade seems to be in a very flourishing condition. We have no less than eight substantial public houses, the whole being conducted in a very creditable manner, all getting a fair share of patronage; five stores, two fruit shops, two butchers, one baker, one lemonade factory, one Saddler, and one chemist.

Our population numbers about 300, and peace and quietness reign supreme.

Our worthy sergeant, Mr. Maxwell, constables Kelly and Frednick have no difficulty in maintaining order.

Messes. Overend and Co. have almost completed their sections, and I must say that they deserve to be congratulated upon the successful manner in which they have prosecuted the same. The bridge crossing Charlie's Creek, which is a very substantial piece of work, is drawing towards completion.

I hear that this part of the line is likely to be opened on the 10th of next month, Separation Day, so that we will expect to see many folks from Dalby and surrounding districts and I am sure they will all meet with cordial greetings.

I am given to understand that our township is to be named Chinchilla; a more appropriate one could not have been given, this land being part of Mr. Beatty's station, which goes under that appellation. …………….


Ipswich Queensland Times 27/11/1877

The Official inspection



As you are aware, the first section of the Roma extension has been taken over from the contractors, Messrs Overend and Co., some months ago, and opened for public traffic by the "powers that be." We have now a second section – viz. Warra to Charley Creek, a distance of 22 miles – quite ready so far as the contractors are concerned.

On Wednesday last as I was taking my dinner I heard a shrill whistle, and immediately saw great piece of machinery rolling along the metals, attached to which was a new carriage lately turned out from the workshops at Ipswich, also a six-wheeled brake-van.

The people at this end of the line were really astonished to see such a large engine as the Fairlie. On arrival of the special at Charleys Creek I was so anxious to know who had arrived that I actually went to see them, and now give you the following names: -- The Hon. William Miles, Minister for Works; the Hon George Thorn, exMinister for Works, but now Minister for Lands; A.O. Herbert, Commissioner for Railways; H.C. Stanley, Chief Engineer; Alfred Thomas, Resident Engineer; H. Horniblow, Locomotive Superintendent; and the renowned "Brough Smythe"; also Mr Cross, the District Engineer. The train arrived about 1 pm., and the Minister for Works, Mr Stanley, and Mr Herbert at once went and inspected the Charley's Creek bridge, and all approved of it.

I might also mention the erection of a fine tank in eight parts at this station, and which was highly approved of by the Minister of Works. I might likewise mention that it was erected under the supervision of Mr Horniblow, the Locomotive Superintendent. I will give you further particulars re the luncheon in my next.

I am surprised you have not appointed an agent for your valuable paper here. I am sure my friend, Mr Morrissey, who keeps a splendid store, would act in that capacity for you.


Queensland Times 29/11/77



In my last I quite forgot to mention the arrival of Mr McNichol, the representative of Messrs Overend and Co, by the special train on Wednesday last. His worship the Mayor of Dalby and Alderman Campbell also accompanied the Hon. The Minister for Works. Great credit is due to that gentleman for the manner in which he provided for his visitors; and I am quite sure the Minister for Works and the Commissioner for Railways were well pleased with the arrangements made.

About 2 pm my friend Charlie Enwright announced "Luncheon ready, Gentlemen!" Charley keeps a first-class hotel in Dalby, and obtained the contract for supplying the luncheon. He brought several cases with him from Dalby, containing fowls, ham, etc, not forgetting the champagne and the indispensable bit of ice, which, I assure you, was appreciated after a long and thirsty ride.

All having done justice to the good things provided, the champagne and ice were passed around, and the health of the contractors, coupled with the name of Mr McNichol, was proposed by the Hon. George Thorn; after which the company broke up, and the special train left for Ipswich about 3pm.

Charleys Creek is a very healthy place, but rather sandy, and, I am afraid, will have many cases of sandy blight this summer. You would be quite surprised to see the number of hotels we have got here, and also the stores. Mr Morrison, of Warra, is the chief storekeeper. He is erecting a splendid hotel, and is quite certain of success. He is a very old hand on the construction, and is liked by everybody. Your old Ipswich friend Mr Bashford, was present at the luncheon, and, I believe, accompanied Mr Stanley, Mr Herbert and Mr Cross on a tour of inspection as far as Dulacca.

The weather is splendid, and grass now plentiful.


Western star, Roma 1/12/77

In part''

We hear every day of different portions of Overend's sections being finished, thus rapidly bringing on the final consummation. It was on this day last week that the first engine crossed Charley's Creek Bridge; and the last girders for the Rocky Creek Bridge, three quarters of a mile from the head of the section, went up by train yesterday.


Dalby Herald 29/12/77


[from our special correspondent]

Things have been very dull here of late, the only incident being the arrival of a special train, with some officials, Messrs Herbert, Stanley and some others, who proceeded to the end of communication, some two or three miles past the end of Mr Bashfords section. The latter is pushing on with his plate-laying very rapidly. With regard to business, there is little or nothing doing, as most of the people are leaving for the Christmas Holidays, and on account of Messrs Overend and Co.'s section being completed.

The weather is oppressively hot, with slight showers once a week. There is not a particle of verdure to be seen, everything of the same monotonous hue of the earth, earthy, without a solitary green spot to relieve the eye, although we hear that there is plenty of grass and water about 17 miles from here to Dulacca, and all the creeks are running.

The first wool teams have made their appearance here from the Balonne, so I suppose when the line is open for traffic, we shall have a livelier time, between carriers and the passengers by the conveyance of the ubiquitous Cobb and Co., who are busy making preparations for the coming third of January.

There is a general stampede here, and lines of tents are fast getting beautifully less: last Saturday was the last pay day on Messrs Overend's section. And an instant melting away of the population followed to seek "fresh fields and railways new" – pardon the misquotation, but we are all in the doldrums here, the only sound of labour at present to raise our spirits is that of carpenters finishing the station house, and that sound seems like a requiem to the past glories of Charley's Creek. Let us hope for better in the future, or murmur, sadly and low "Requiescat in Peace."

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